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Henry Rammelt

I am a Researcher and Associate Lecturer at the National School of Political Studies and Administration (Bucharest). My research interests include social movements, corporate accountability, contentious politics, and civil society. I hold a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Lyon and I held research positions and fellowships at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF), the Romanian Academy, Triangle UMR Lyon, and the University of Bucharest.

I am the author of Activistes Protestataires en Hongrie et en Roumanie (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018) and the co-director of the documentary movie Portavoce – The Romanian Culture of Protest (2018). My work has been published in journals such as East European Politics and Society, Erdkunde – Archive for Scientific Geography, or Intersections – East European Journal of Society and Politics. I am a member of the editorial board of the Institute for Protest and Social Movement Studies’ (Berlin) working paper series. Within the CORPACCOUNT research project I am conducting quantitative networks analysis on global corporate accountability movements, as well as qualitative research on boycotts.

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