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    July 2024

    CfP International Conference: Business Perspectives on Corporate Accountability for Human and Environmental Rights Violations, 13-14 March 2025, SNSPA, Bucharest

    This conference aims to revisit the current academic scholarship on corporate accountability by examining how different business groups and associations from different world regions, political cultures, economic sectors, and with different sizes of capital engage with, enhance or undermine concrete responsibility for human rights violations and ecological degradation.

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    April 2024

    Business-Military Violence in Space. Use and Production of Cartographies, Photographs and Other Representations - Latin American Faculty of Social Science, Buenos Aires

    This international workshop gathered specialists from a wide range of academic fields as well as artists working on cases of corporate responsibility for human rights violations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia. Its main purpose was to present and discuss various visual and cartographical strategies to display, analyze and communicate spatial and territorial dimensions of processes of labour repression, forced displacement of indigenous communities and rural populations, as well as economic, social and structural transformations.

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  • 27-29

    June 2023

    European Engagements with Corporate Accountability in Global Perspective. A New Utopia? 29th International Conference of Europeanists - University of Iceland, Reykjavik

    This panel explored various European initiatives regarding corporate accountability for major international crimes, as envisioned and promoted by European institutions, national governments, transnational NGOs and business communities. It highlighted contrasting approaches to business regulation and accountability and emphasizes how transnational streams of political, economic and symbolic power perpetuate inequalities between the Global North and the Global South at different levels.

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  • 7 - 10

    June 2023

    Promoting Institutional Judicial Innovation in the Pursuit of Corporate Accountability and Transitional Justice in Latin America, Buenos Aires

    This intersectoral workshop brought together over 40 prosecutors, investigative judges, justice activists, and scholars from Latin America and Europe to discuss obstacles and opportunities to advance corporate accountability for gross human rights violations. It aimed to strengthen judicial innovations that are able to balance on the side of victims rather than economic actors with veto power, at both national and international level.

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  • 25-26

    May 2023

    Civil Society and Corporate Accountability: Actors, Visions, Strategies - SNSPA, Bucharest

    This conference explores the role of national civil societies and transnational advocacy networks in the struggle for corporate accountability. It examines a variety of actors and networks seeking justice across the world, and the ways their strategies are informed by different national and regional contexts, and diverse ideological and professional understandings of accountability processes.

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  • 7 July 2022

    Corporate Accountability for Gross Human Rights Violations. An Intersectoral Workshop - IEA, Paris

    The workshop examined different strategies of corporate accountability for gross human rights violations, such as envisioned by human rights NGOs, grassroot communities, legal experts and epistemic communities across the world. It gathered together scholars and practitioners in order to foster cross-professional and interdisciplinary dialogue.

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  • Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.